Daily Archives: October 8, 2012

Day 60: New York state of mind.

After breakfast and saying goodbye to Pat and Ed, it was time to hit the road. Alicia took me back to the border, no complications this time, i was on my way. My maps suggested that i follow the river up the Canadian side and cross at a different bridge about 20 miles north, so thats what i did. The ride was really nice, it offered a great view of the river and eventually the falls.





Getting past the very touristy part of the falls took a while but the border bridge was soon in sight. Despite being able to see the bridge, i managed to get really quite lost, adding about 5 miles onto the day before finally finding my way onto the bridge. The bridge was really busy, just like the previous crossing, everyone seemed to be going to the US. This meant that crossing took ages. The guy at passport control asked if i was bringing anything from Canada, my response of “only good memories” was surprisingly not well received. After explaining that i was going to “freeze my ass off” on my way to Boston, he waved me through and i was back in the Usa.




On the home page description of the route, i described this section of around 500 miles as the final push. Despite being more miles than i have cycled in the last 12 years combined, it really does feel like i am almost there.

The rest of the day was really frustrating. I got lost a further 3 times, adding about 10 miles to the days total. I eventually decided that middleport would work as a destination and set about finding the campsite that the maps said existed. Finding the campsite proved more difficult than i hoped, no one in town knew about it. I eventually decided to just camp by the canal. The canal made a nice backdrop for camping, but by the time i had had dinner, it was getting really cold, so i got an early night.




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